Thursday, November 1, 2007

Invitation to Finding Hot Deals in Real Estate

In case you didn’t know, we are at the beginning of a very exciting Real Estate market for investors.

(And, if you do nothing else today go to this site

With the shift in lender market and the subsequent elimination of hundreds of sub-prime loan options, would-be home buyers are left looking for a home to rent. Not to mention all those who have lost their homes to Foreclosure…who now have cash from the months of unpaid mortgage payments lining their pockets. They are ready to put that money down as an Option Fee until they can get their credit back in order.

Now is the time to make your move! Especially with the news that even more Foreclosure homes will be on the market than ever before.

But just because there are a lot of properties that are on the market, you must ask, “How do I find the BEST deals?”

As a Realtor, I know there are plenty of deals to be found on the MLS.

I’ve seen owners all but give away their homes with the first offer they receive. Also, I’ve seen lenders sell foreclosure properties leaving thousands of dollars of equity on the table.

I want to put those deals at your fingertips.

(This site is focused on the Metro East Real Estate Market. I would be happy to collaborate with agents and investors in other markets to create a site dedicated to locating RE Deals in your market!)

What I have done is searched the entire MLS and ran calculations to determine all the undervalued and overlooked properties in St. Clair and Madison County, Illinois in order to identify the Hottest Deals in real estate.

And guess what…I Found Them!!!

The best part is that this list of Hot Deals is available to you 24/7 on my website

But, that’s not all!

On you can advertise your Hot Deals for no charge. Free Advertising for your wholesales, retails, rentals, services, and on….

Just visit and see for yourself.

Once you are there, click on our “Advertise for FREE” link and follow the instructions and we’ll add your information to our page so that all of the visitors see your content too. And it’s free!

Please send me an email to let me know what you think about my new site. And, take advantage of the free advertising.


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