Friday, November 21, 2008

I am a business owner

Are you a business owner too? I am a business owner, an adult, a responsible bill payer. I have duties. I have more duties than most.

I am not a parent; I don't have children. I'm not a caretaker; I don't have an elderly father to care for.

But, I've got a business. In fact, I've got a couple businesses. They take hard work. They take creativity and discipline. And I enjoy every minute of it.

Now I'm faced with a messed up economy. I've got a housing market that is a wreck, clients that are frantic and opportunities that are unbelievable. And I can see that now is my chance to crank up the heat and turn average businesses into stories of extraordinary success.

What are you doing to capitalize on the amazing opportunities that are everywhere?

Can you see the piles of gold? Do you look through eyes of discipline and optimism? Gaze through the filter of the disciplined entrepreneur?

I'm stoked!

Please leave your comments.

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